Brief Profile Broad Profile Project Executed Suresh Chawla Inventor
We & Our Environment Suresh Chawla - Research philosophy Importance of Intellectual Property Rights Funding for Inventions
Traveling Roads/Elevated Transits System Super Fast Construction Technology/ New Malls New Wind Mills/Sea Generators New Amusement Parks & Entertainment Concepts Floating Bridges/Ports/Cities Sunlight in The Night/space Elevator Breaking of Input Out Theory
Traveling roads/Elevated Transits System
Super fast construction Technology/ New Malls
New wind mills/Sea Generators
New Amusement Parks & Entertainment concepts
Floating Bridges/ports/cities
Sunlight in the night/space elevator
Breaking of input out theory
Suresh Chawla Suresh Chawla
12 Technologies Capable to Change Global-Economic & Climatic Fortunes
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Science was a gift of God unknown to man  
Life before steam engine was heaven…
Since then …Heaven turned into Hell !

Man exploited every natural resource available on this planet…
And transformed the Green Planet to a Disaster Planet

The race for becoming the most advanced and most developed state in the world, has led man to destruct the natural resources in our stock and our biosphere.

Today, most of the underground and above ground resources are on the verge of extinction, resulting in abrupt climate, natural disaster and more. Now, man is facing two very extreme dangerous conditions - 'Global Warming' & 'Greenhouse Effects', both of which will lead to the total destruction of the Planet Earth.

It is now high time; we all should start our bit of job to save our Earth from complete destruction. It is now every man's duty to do as much possible to save our Planet Earth.

Everyone is a stakeholder in the process and we clearly need to avoid our past shortcomings and negative impact on our mother Earth.

Suresh Chawla’s   philosophy of inventions is based on understanding of  the   problems being faced by today’s  world  which is the direct result of mindless development   pursued by a few without  caring  for the ill effects on environment and stake  of majority in the same space of this  planet.

Taking him self as one of the stake holder in the reform process, he has dedicated his life to invent new technologies, techniques and processes, which shall improve the way we live. It is his contribution to the make Planet Earth “Green and Prosperous”

To save this planet from disaster he has identified the sectors responsible for the problem and found feasible solutions. Keeping environmental concerns as prime issue, path breaking technologies have been developed which can act as growth engines for over all prosperity.

Two sectors responsible for carbon dioxide emissions i.e. “Power and Transport” need immediate attention. To reduce the problem from two sectors, he has attended both the sectors seriously.

For Power sector on one hand, his inventions reduce the dependence on electricity. On the other hand, he has found solutions to generate higher energy from green resources.

By utilizing his inventions, we can economize fossil fuel and construction materials. His endeavor is to reduce carbon emission which contributes to global warming. His development of new renewable energy will utilize wind power to its optimum use.

 For most of the technologies developed by him the prototypes are ready and one of the prototype has already been accepted by a Government body.


Reducing dependence on electricity

On one hand demand for electricity can be reduced by reflecting Sun Light in Night as major portion of power generated on this planet goes towards illumination of house hold, offices, high ways etc. Every now and then various countries are setting up thermal power plants based on fossil fuels which need immediate embargo if this planet has to be saved. Sun Light reflection in the night  is the right and  most important step in this direction and can be easily  implemented.

Green technologies to produce energy for present and future needs

Suresh Chawla has invented New Wind Mills which can produce 50 -100 MW Power in each Wind Mill and also New Energy Generators from Sea which can generate energy from Sea beaches or Zero feet of water. 

 Reducing emissions from transport sector

All existing transport can be run  on Traveling Road which runs on electricity  through most important invention undertaken by Suresh Chawla. This invention will be shortly released.

This technology will not only reduce the pollution from transport sector but will become one of the greatest project  for all nations in terms of economies and environment.

Another invention Elevated Roller Coaster System, is an economically viable option in   public mover system which is based on roller coaster technology, and is run on electricity.  

There are many other inventions which can help reduce pressure on the environment.

Suresh Chawla’s   philosophy of inventions is based on understanding of  the   problems being faced by today’s  world  which is the direct result of mind less development   perused by a few without  caring  for the ill effects on environment and stake  of majority in the same space of this  planet.
Suresh chawla has dedicated his life to invent new technologies, techniques and processes, which shall improve the way we live. It is his contribution to the make Planet Earth green and prosperous.
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